TO56 Burn-In Testing Machine

  • With temperature control function (150C) and timing function
  • With electronic control function including giving specified current (LD)
  • Features dual oven chambers, each chamber can hold 16 test pans, each pan can hold 64 TO56 products, up to 2,048 TO56 products
  • Can realize individual parameter setting and start, end time and so on. Each board can be used for testing records
  • Use the conversion board to facilitate pin switching, the default Type C (2.5G) pin
  • Provides LD drive current setting to light up the laser diode, and provides the bias value of the internal photo sensor (mPD) with constant voltage setting
  • Controlled by computer, individual Im channels can be monitored, monitoring time interval can be set, data storage and display, and data upload. The Ith value can be calculated from the Im value and the changes can be observed


ZeQun Technologies has complete testing and burn-in solutions for laser diodes (VCSEL, DFB LD, FP LD and LED) and light sensing elements (PD and APD). In the TO Level measurement of the laser diode, it can provide integrated measurement of LIV and optical wavelength, and also has the integrated function of more advanced focal length measurement options. In the measurement of optical sensing elements, we provide electrical measurement parameters of PD, dark current measurement and integration solutions, and optical responsivity measurement functions. (For PD components with smaller size, there are also measurement solutions.) In the aging solution, aging conditions of different conditions are provided, including long-term constant current and high temperature aging conditions. There is no surge in the circuit design, which can be used with peace of mind.

The burn-in testing machine oven system is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is the oven part, which mainly has the function of heating up and baking, which can reach 150˚C. The heating effect is good, about 30 minutes from room temperature to 100˚C; about 20~40 minutes from room temperature to 150˚C. The second part is the electronic control function. The third part is the control host, which will be equipped with a computer and a control program. The user can set the target temperature and baking time, and set the PD voltage and LD current. And record the heating process and the voltage and current state.



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